Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The story....

I've been debating for a month about whether or not to blog about this "journey" or "fight" or well, cancer crap. I love to write and since writing is very cathartic - what the heck. Here goes....

The Mammogram
I had my annual mammogram the end of November. I should have had it in September, but I just couldn't get to it. I was too busy with work, home stuff. It just didn't happen. As it turns out, waiting that extra couple of months was probably a really good thing. Why? Well, when all was said and done, my tiny tumor was 1.2 cm. Tiny. Good. You'd think - but I was diagnosed the Triple Negative breast cancer; a relatively rare, aggressive cancer. So, if I hadn't waited, it might have been too tiny to be seen on the mammogram. Then I would have waited a year to have another mammogram, and my outcome could be very, very different.

The Results
After I got the first mammogram, I got a phone call that I needed to come in for a second one. No big deal. This happened to me one other time - five years prior. And remember 70-80% of mammograms need to be done over. At least that's what I was told.

So, I go for the 2nd one and the tech comes out and says that the radiologist wants me to have an ultrasound. They can do it right there and then. Uh oh....now I'm getting nervous. I go back in the little room and have an ultrasound on my right breast. I've had ultrasounds before - but only when I was pregnant. The tech slathers the goo, does her thing and leaves the room. A few minutes later, an older gentleman walks into the room (he's the radiologist) and says, "I'd like to send you for a biopsy of that." Crap. Now I'm really scared! Biopsy???? Big, giant needle that you want to put - where????

Who will give me the biopsy?
I go home and immediately call my PCP - whom I LOVE - L.O.V.E - she's a couple of years younger than me and has always been there for me....to listen, to help, and her office manager, Karen, is awesome!!

Anyway, I talk to Doc and she gives me the names of 2 breast surgeons. I called the first one, who was also recommended by a friend, and she couldn't see me until the middle of January. Remember, at this point, it's November and I don't know that I have an aggressive cancer. But, being the overly anxious person that I am, I decide there is nooooo way I am waiting that long for a biopsy.

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